It’s loud. It’s fast. It’s Flat Out Friday.
Last weekend, on the night before Mama Tried Show 2023, racers and spectators flocked to Milwaukee’s Fiserv Forum for the wild and wonderful Flat Out Friday flat track races — an indoor race competed on a concrete track coated in Dr. Pepper syrup!
Our man on the ground this year was Matt Gustafson, who summed up the evening perfectly: “Wisconsin winters are brutal and unrelenting, but motorcyclists are resourceful people. With wind chills dipping well below 0 and the dirt track iced over, flat track racers and their fans found a way to keep the flame burning all year long. One night a year the fastest show on dirt heads inside Milwaukee’s Fiserv Forum for an evening unlike any other. Part race, part rock show, part circus, the evening is wall-to-wall entertainment soaked in exhaust fumes and Americana. For the community built around it, it’s a wild but familiar ride.”
Without further ado, please enjoy this short photo documentary that Matt put together!

Follow Flat Out Friday
Instagram: @flatoutfriday
Facebook: @flatoutfriday
Photos: Matt Gustafson (@very.dumb)
We were doing this in Pueblo , Colorado in the late 70′ ! It was in the AG Palace at the state fair. The track was coated with Pepsi or Mountain Dew . Enjoyed It !
Looks mental! Would love to see that here in Ireland.