In 1983, Honda introduced their Shadow series of V-twin cruisers, including the VT500C. Better known as the “Shadow 500,” the bike featured a liquid-cooled, three-valve, 52-degree V-twin engine that made 54 horsepower — mated to […]
Tag: One-up Moto Garage
BMW R65 Custom by One-Up Moto Garage
Taylor Art of One-Up Moto Garage is one of our favorite young builders. In just four years, the Arkansas native, operating solo out of his 600 square foot shop, has managed to make a name […]
Honda CX650 Cafe Racer by One-up Moto Garage
The John Player Special, built for the father of an F1 driver… We see a lot of Honda CX500 builds these days, but rarely do we see a CX650C — a one-year model available only […]