This past weekend was the fifth annual Victory Moto Show in our hometown of Savannah, Georgia. Founded by an all-female team in 2017, the show is hosted at Service Brewing each year and always highlights a veteran nonprofit organization, which receives funds raised from the show.
For 2021, the “Moto Babes” chose Operation Combat Bikesaver as the highlighted charity — a nonprofit that builds bikes with Heroes for Heroes. Their mission is to lower suicide rates by providing a therapeutic workshop for veterans suffering from PTSD, TBI, and/or depression. The workshop is free for participants, and they get to keep the finished products.
The show always has a great mix of custom, vintage, and rare motorcycles, mainly from around the Southeast. Awards are given for Best Vintage Bike, presented by the Antique Motorcycle Club of America Chapter 77, and Best Custom Bike.
This year, BikeBound Editor-in-Chief Taylor Brown was asked to help jury the bike submissions, and the entries were great this year. Many long-time attendees agreed it was the best showcase of bikes in the show’s history.
Our friend Drew Perlmutter — a member of the Brother Moto team — was in town and kind enough to shoot the show. We hope you enjoy these highlights from Victory Moto Show 2021!
I pick the Metisse or Duck, The Rickman looks even better in MX trim, I raced one in the open class for a few years before moving faster on lighter two strokes.
I pick the Metisse or Duck, The Rickman looks even better in MX trim, I raced one in the open class for a few years before moving faster on lighter two strokes.
Looks like a great turnout. Keep up the good work!