Ever wonder what it might look like if you combined a classic dirt bike and your favorite skateboard? Well, Portugal’s Yellowood Skateboards did just that. Yellowood owner and founder Philippe De Goyri bought a Suzuki DR650 from a local farmer and modified it with colors and materials from his skate company. The yellow color scheme and cool wood decks make this ubiquitous model dirt bike stand out from the crowd. This is part of a trend combining standard bikes with different themes and other interests the rider or owner might have. De Goyri took inspiration from another Suzuki DR650 he saw outfitted in a new way and decided to do one of his own. He calls the beach culture of Porto, where he resides, “Yellowlife” and that inspires the design of his skateboards and the way he lives his life. And that is what this bike represents – a slice of “Yellowlife”.
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